Geneva: My experience.

So as promised  in my previous post , I am sharing some of my experiences from the trip. After a 10 hour or so trip, we got to Geneva. We had been given instructions to board a bus that would drop us to our hotel. My mind was picturing either Rongai kind of matatus or KBS…

The Land of Chocolate and Watches: Switzerland

Looks like a little vacation is what I needed to get back here. It’s been so long…sigh Early this month, I got the opportunity to travel to Switzerland… and I just can’t get over how beautiful the place is!!! P.S I have never been anywhere out of East Africa before so if this looks basic…

The Art of Resolutions

How are your resolutions coming along thus far? Probably not too good as has always been the case, right? lol 😀 Allow me to give you some insight on this whole resolution concept because clearly most of us have not mastered the art. Don’t make them Let me explain myself. I do not understand why…

Reflections: 2016

Is it too late to be posting this one week into the year? If it is, well… too bad because I’m still posting it now 😀 Hello there, I hope 2017 is taking you well so far, with all your resolutions and everything (that may already be failing). With the start of a new year, I…

What is That Supposed to Mean??

… It’s story time!! Grab yourself some popcorn 🙂 So there was this one time I woke up kinda late and in a bid not to miss class i forgot to pack some tissue for the day *insert monkey emoji covering it’s eyes*. Also I’m this person who does not use the break between classes…

Don’t talk to me!!

Hey y’all, Having had a crazy week of barely any healthy sleep, let me sum it up with some pep talk. I may come off a little mean, which I have in very many cases been accused of sooo… feel free to keep misjudging me. Lets’s get into it. Do you ever have those moments…

We’ve Moved!!!

Because change is good and we have taken that bold step. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, look at your url bar. I am equally excited!!!!! Yes we are now This new state may however be unstable for about 72 hours which I haven’t encountered yet. But even if you type the old…

Greener Pastures

Let’s just say that my super creative mind(which may not be the case right now) came up with the title and I’m not quite sure it makes sense. For those of you who may know me, you know that I don’t(or maybe rarely) consume some of these drinks people like to take. I’m talking about…


I like how general and random my posts can get which is a good thing but it also has its perks. Every time I tell someone that I write on this amazing space they ask me what I write about and my answer which does not always make me happy is “anything, just random life…

Reality Check Ahead..

As eager and excited as I am to finish my undergraduate degree (YAAAAAAAASSSSS!!!), I have some butterflies building up because then, life with all its realness and harshness shall be all up in my face. The world, read “I” ,will expect me to be independent. No more calling Mama Bear for airtime or for salon…